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In the last decades, the world of sport has directed its attention to the perceptual-motor processes underpinning athletes performances. Scientists, in turn, on the one hand have systematically investigated how athletes perceive the cues provided by their opponents, on the other hand have tried to develop new perceptual-motor strategies to enhance sport performances.

The European Symposium on Perception and Action in Sport (ESPAS) will be an extraordinary event, in which a strictly selected list of invited speakers coming from all over the world will present their last findings in this area.

This event will be held on August 30th and will last the entire day. There will be two oral sessions in the morning and two in the afternoon (three speakers per session). Each session will last 90 minutes.

Moreover, there will be a short oral/poster session. Participants interested in presenting a work in this session can submit an abstract from their personal area, selecting “Perception and Sport” from the topic list.

Symposium organiser: Mauro Murgia, University of Trieste, Italy


This is the list of confirmed speakers:

  • Reinoud J. Bootsma, Aix-Marseille University, France

  • Rouwen Cañal-Bruland, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany

  • Cathy Craig, Queens’ University of Belfast, United Kingdom

  • Alfred Effenberg, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany

  • Robin Jackson, Loughborough University, United Kingdom

  • David Mann, Vrije University Amsterdam, The Nederlands

  • José Antonio Navia Manzano, Technical University of Madrid, Spain

  • Markus Raab, German Sport University, Cologne, Germany

  • Matthew Rodger, Queens’ University of Belfast, United Kingdom

  • Fabrizio Sors, University of Trieste, Italy

  • Mark Williams, University of Utah, United States

26–30 August 2018 | Trieste, Italy

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