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About Trieste

Trieste hosts more than 30 national and international centres and companies dedicated to research and higher education, 5.000 permanent foreign scientists and around 13.000 students and researchers.

Trieste is internationally renowned as a city of science, research and innovation, thanks to its many science institutes. Since 1964, a number of prestigious international science institutions have opened in Trieste: the Centre for Theoretical Physics in Miramare; the Area Science Park, one of the most prestigious science parks in Europe, which includes the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology and the Elettra Synchrotron Light Laboratory, an extraordinary instrument for the study of matter; the Experimental Geophysical Observatory and the Marine Biology Laboratory in Aurisina.

Trieste will host the 2020 edition of the prestigious Euro Science Open Forum (ESOF), the biennial European forum that brings together thousands of researchers, policy makers and business actors from European countries to discuss research and innovation issues. The topic chosen for the Trieste edition is “Freedom for Science, Science for Freedom”. The event will be held from 4 to 10 July 2020.

The image that jumps from the vivid, bi-lingual pages of Trieste, City of Science and Higher Education, is of a dynamic capital of research, focused on sustainable growth and development, with impact that extends beyond Italy to the rest of Europe and the world.

Trieste is not only a capital of science, but also a multicultural and historical city, with over 1 million of tourists every year. To discover more about the city, see the reviews published by the New York Times (view link) and by the Telegraph (view link).

For further information, see also the local website and some suggestions provided by Tripadvisor.

26–30 August 2018 | Trieste, Italy

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